Who Will Be My People?

3 March 2019 6:00pm

Looking To Jesus

Series: Who Will Be My People?

Speaker: Paul Robinson

Passage: Hebrews 12:1-2

24 February 2019 6:00pm

A New World

Series: Who Will Be My People?

Speaker: Tim Davies

Passage: Isaiah 65:17-25

17 February 2019 6:00pm

A Beautiful Transformation

Series: Who Will Be My People?

Speaker: Paul Robinson

Passage: Isaiah 61:1-11

10 February 2019 6:00pm

A Free Invitation

Series: Who Will Be My People?

Speaker: Dave Crofts

Passage: Isaiah 55:1-13

3 February 2019 6:00pm

A Foolish Alternative

Series: Who Will Be My People?

Speaker: Tim Davies

Passage: Isaiah 44:6-28

27 January 2019 6:00pm

An Incomparable God

Series: Who Will Be My People?

Speaker: Chris Houghton

Passage: Isaiah 40:1-31

20 January 2019 6:00pm

All Treasures of Wisdom

Series: Who Will Be My People?

Speaker: Ian Jones

Passage: Colossians 2:3

13 January 2019 6:00pm

A Formidable Foe

Series: Who Will Be My People?

Speaker: Paul Robinson

Passage: Isaiah 36:1-37:38

6 January 2019 6:00pm

A Rebellious World

Series: Who Will Be My People?

Speaker: Dave Crofts

Passage: Isaiah 34:1-35:10

11 March 2018 6:00pm

A Righteous King

Series: Who Will Be My People?

Speaker: Dave Crofts

Passage: Isaiah 32:1-33:24

4 March 2018 6:00pm

A Wonderful Victory

Series: Who Will Be My People?

Speaker: Tim Davies

Passage: Isaiah 25:1-12

25 February 2018 6:00pm

A Severe Judgement

Series: Who Will Be My People?

Speaker: Dave Crofts

Passage: Isaiah 14:1-23

18 February 2018 6:00pm

A Coming Child

Series: Who Will Be My People?

Speaker: Chris Houghton

Passage: Isaiah 8:11-9:7

11 February 2018 6:00pm

A Purified Prophet

Series: Who Will Be My People?

Speaker: Tim Davies

Passage: Isaiah 6:1-13

4 February 2018 6:00pm

A Rebellious People

Series: Who Will Be My People?

Speaker: Dave Crofts

Passage: Isaiah 1:1-20