God, sex and the gospel

17 March 2013 6:00pm

Love - The original pattern

Series: God, sex and the gospel

Speaker: Dave Crofts

Passage: Ephesians 5:22-32

10 March 2013 6:00pm

Cleansing - The human need

Series: God, sex and the gospel

Speaker: Tim Davies

Passage: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

3 March 2013 6:00pm

Lust - The battles we face

Series: God, sex and the gospel

Speaker: Paul Robinson

Passage: Matthew 5:27-30

24 February 2013 6:00pm

Marriage - The best sex

Series: God, sex and the gospel

Speaker: Dave Crofts

Passage: Genesis 2:19-25

17 February 2013 6:00pm

Gender - The complementary design

Series: God, sex and the gospel

Speaker: Tim Davies

Passage: Genesis 1:26-28, Genesis 2:19-25